Books & Comics
You know when people say "oh how I wish I could just snuggle up with a good book and relax", well I am one of those people. Reading is knowledge but it's also relaxation, imagination, the excitement from one chapter to the next. The words just fly off the page into your mind and soul.
All the incredible authors that have opened us to a world of love and freedom and fear, passion, adventure, history; past present and future. The way simple words can make us fall in love with characters and their lives.
I've always been a fan of many writers and I always wished as I read their books that I could see how it all began, how it was all created; the feeling of inspiration and achievement they must have felt as their creations, their dreams become a reality.
Books are more than just paper and ink, they are what has made this world what it is, they have created people, life, friendships, relationships, intelligence and so much more and still to this day they have a huge impact.
Ask yourself this: if you thought of one book that brings you joy, memories or an experience you will not forget, what would it be?