She Hulk Comic Review: Issue 5

Disclaimer: Spoiler Alert! Make sure you have watched before you read.
I’ve only ever owned 2 comics in my life, and then last year I started creating my own collection of woman-empowered heroes and villains. What set this off was when I came across a She-Hulk comic that I couldn't leave the store without.
She-Hulk issue 5. Yes, I admit I have done it a bit back-to-front as I haven't read issues 1-4. But for all the comic book lovers out there, don't judge me too harshly. I'm working on purchasing the other issues. However, I decided to get my read on with Issue 5, "Badass She-Hulk."
Firstly, love the front cover. Honestly, that's what got my attention. Usually, that's how I choose my books: by the front cover. And apparently, the same goes when chasing my comic books. The front cover graphics were brilliant, and the colours stood out so well. She-Hulk was the embodiment of a strong, independent, powerful, and beautiful woman. I also love all the Jennifer details they included in She-Hulk. The way they combine the two into one, she looks gorgeous, wearing a confident purple suit and heels, looking like a bad bitch.

When it came to the main characters, anyone who has seen the fantastic series of She-Hulk knows her character pretty well. However, I hadn't heard of Jonathan Hart, aka Jack of Hearts. As someone who didn't really know much about his character, I was hoping for some more detail. But all I really learned is that I'm pretty sure he is into She-Hulk/Jennifer. It didn't feel like much detail was given about him, and it's clear that she is into him too.
Jack of Hearts, who stole all the tarts? This Mark fellow was very baffling. He seemed very disoriented, confused, fixated on cards, in particular, Jack, and he was so angry that Jack stole all the tarts. And then there's the character I wasn't expecting: April. She is Mark's wife, caregiver, and can be feisty at times. Clearly, Mark has some sort of supernatural powers but wasn't as lucky as She-Hulk, at least that's how April sees it. I do hope that as the stories continue, I get to see more of what April and Mark go through and how they conquer the challenges they have.
I do enjoy a superhero/villain movie. I really enjoy lots of the Marvel and DC characters. But when it comes to comics, the main reason I like them is the graphics. Something that stood out for me was the evening colours of purple and orange. I wouldn't have considered them as evening colour's, but I really liked it. And after seeing the front cover, I knew it would be easy for me to say that the artwork would be very impressive. I also liked the amount of detail added in every image. I found it comical using "Burger ring" instead of "king," and I'm pretty sure it was Starbucks instead of "bucks."
Now, they're obviously is more to the story. However, the storyline of Issue 5 seemed very bland. A random guy came out of nowhere, had a punch-up, and then vanished. I do feel like She-Hulk Issue 5 was a little basic, and as I already said, bland. There wasn't much structure to it. If this was a TV episode, I would probably be a little bored. I think the graphics were what really carried this comic.
StoryLine: 2/10
Graphics: 8/10
Comic Book purchase from Piranha comics in Bromley