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Elizabethan Gardens - The Ship That Was Never At Sea

On a beautiful hot day, I decided I wanted to go on an adventure, and what a day I chose! It was also Pirates' Weekend at the Barbican, and it was fantastic to see people of all ages dressed up as pirates, enjoying the sun and sea.

But in an ocean of shoppers, tourists, and pirates, tucked away in a cobblestone village in Plymouth, in the heart of the historical Barbican district, lay the treasure. And no, I'm not talking about jewels and pearls; I'm talking about a quaint little garden known as the Elizabethan Gardens.

The Elizabethan garden was formally opened in 1960, and the garden may be picturesque, but it is such a lovely hidden gem to explore. As we made our way up the stairs, we saw the Mulberry Tree surrounded by lots of beautiful blue flowers. Over to your left are stairs heading down to the Lower Garden with a water feature, and from there, you can walk through the arch that leads to stairs up to the Poor's Portion Arch. Alternatively, to your left is the Knot Garden, filled with greenery and flowers. The garden was so calming, so peaceful, and I'm so happy I found this place because it was amazing to see.

One part that really stood out for me in the garden was the ship carved into the wall of the arch. What detail and hard work it showed! Also, I don't know why, but I love cobblestones and arch doorways. I guess it's just another Alex quirk. The greenery was all so beautifully showcased, and I liked the way all the areas were on different levels. I feel that all the different levels made the gardens more spacious than what they were.

This place really gave me secret garden vibes, and I could easily sit here hidden away reading my books for hours. Imagine the peace! I feel like this would be any book lover's dream location. It was such a lovely and relaxing afternoon out with my boyfriend, Elliott, and his friend, Aaron, seeing new parts of Devon. I enjoyed breathing in the aromas of honeysuckle, Hazel, Hibiscus, and more.

The Elizabethan Gardens is a delightful little piece of history that continues to flourish in the streets of Plymouth. So if you are looking for places to explore on a sunny day, make sure you visit Elizabethan Gardens.




keep smiling everyday can be beautiful !

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